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/ GeoSafari History (Platinum Edition) / GeoSafari History Platinum Edition (EI-9007 Version 3.0)(Educational Insights)(2000).iso / mac / GLOSS10 / 00223_Bitmap_harlequin (.png) < prev    next >
Bitmap Image  |  1999-07-27  |  141KB  |  432x324  |  8-bit (87 colors)
Labels: person | sky
OCR: Harlequin (1600s) Harlequin's big hat is with a fea ther. The actor's face was partly concealed by amask Harleq uin's tights and jacket are covered with patches ine variety + SQ[] and shapes The term fErlequin : :: naw used refer to any pa ttern that has contrasting patches Qt is applied ta fabrics the coats sorme animals and certain gemstones The English word Parlegun cornes frorn the Italian narme Arlerchino Was one of several stock charac ters ir the plays that dormina ted Ita alian drarrr frorn the 16th to 18th icertuies Every corrrredia dell'arte play had the SAITE cast of characters Each began with a plot outline, ar senario but the action ard dialogue Were mostly irrprovised. ar lecchino, the clown and trickster, adder to the hurror af the play Harleguin Harlequn crowned actar conce ...